Convening Notice: (EN)| Invitation (FR)

Attendance Form (EN)(FR) | Formulaire de Participation 

Proxy Form (FR-EN) | Formulaire de Procuration (FR-EN)

Voting by mail Form (FR-EN) | Formulaire de Vote par Correspondance (FR-EN)

Updated Outstanding Shares and Voting Rights (EN) I Actualise Actions et Driots de Votes en Circulation (FR)

Outstanding Shares and Voting Rights (EN) | Actions et Droits de Votes en Circulation (FR)

Special Report (EN) I Rapport Special (FR)

Chair Person’s Letter (EN) I Lettre du President (FR) I Brief Van de Voorzitter (NL)

FAQs (EN) I (FR) I (NL)

More information on proposed transition to a single listing on Nasdaq